Have you ever been in the trap with social media marketing of just throwing a post, story or video up because, you justify
With all the algorithms breathing down our necks..
And feeling overwhelmed about putting together a clear strategy..
It can be easy to just do our best to stay afloat with our social media marketing.
Well, today I have a brand new episode of the Joyful Living Podcast for you where I share my top takeaways from attending Social Media Marketing World, including this lil' nugget from Andrew Pickering and Pete Garland that rocked my world..
(I know.. I panicked at first when I heard it too, but then I remembered Rinse + Repeat Marketing and breathed a BIG sigh of relief)
I also share what I learned from the industry's biggest online marketing experts, including Amy Porterfield, Jasmine Star, Mike Kim, Melissa Cassera, Sue Zimmerman, Ralph Burns, and so many more about..
✔️Growing your business with Instagram (and one of the best kept secrets to do it right)
✔️Using Video to grow faster with social media
✔️How to show up more consistently and effectively in your marketing efforts
Cannot wait to dive into this more with you all!
Plus... I have a little bonus cheatsheet of my "Top 3 Takeaways from Social Media Marketing World" so you can start implementing this juiciness right away in your business! Click here to snag it now!

Social Media Marketing World was incredible! I can't recommend it highly enough. It was one of the BEST conferences I've ever attended. Looking forward to continuing to attend in the years to come!
p.s. Join us inside my Soul Business + Branding Facebook group and comment your favorite part of this episode! Plus we have weekly Facebook Live chats over there every Thursday at 11 am MST where I answer all your questions about Branding and Marketing!