
Ancient Wisdom for Everyday Joy with Guest Greg Marcus (Episode 89)

So here’s the deal..

I know you're a good person in your heart, but you're also imperfect, right?

You still make mistakes, lose your cool sometimes..

I get it.

YOU'RE HUMAN. And life gets messy.

But what if there were a way for you to actually let go of the guilt about how you

should “be a better person”...

How you should be more loving, patient and kind, etc.

What if there was a way to let that guilt go once and for all and instead step into a practice that actually will help your true, gorgeous, loving, peaceful self shine through more than ever?

Guess what..

You're in luck. We're human too, which is what makes this episode of Joyful Living so damn exciting..

So bring all of your messiness and let's actually become better, one step at a time..

Ditching overwhelm and perfectionism and leaning into something that ACTUALLY WORKS.

Regardless of what religion or creed you follow, how would our worlds change if we all could actually make progress in becoming better people?

This episode offers an approach that's actually open and simple enough for kids to understand, but powerful enough to change your life.

It is absolutely life changing, paradigm shifting stuff, folks..

And I’ve been dying to share it with you!

So, I invited my new friend Greg to be a guest on my Joyful Living Podcast for this week’s episode, “Ancient Wisdom for Everyday Joy with Greg Marcus.”

I think the most gorgeous truth that Greg brings to light is that each of us possesses every “soul trait” that exists..

A soul trait being qualities like humility, truth, trust, enthusiasm, and so on.

As Greg puts it, “[Mussar] helps us find the things inside of us that cause us to get stuck...and to take mindful action in everyday life.”

How many times have you told yourself something like, “I just need to be MORE patient..?”

Have you ever considered that there is such a thing as too much patience?

How about, too much gratitude?

And yes, even too much loving-kindness!

It’s all about balance, my beautiful friends, and Mussar offers clarity on how to take action to make changes in the parts of the soul that keep you from living more joyfully.

In this week’s episode, we discuss this along with the Four American Mussar assumptions..

including the assumption that says we all have a Divine Spark occluded by our baggage..

And how Mussar an bring more joy to situations like being stuck in traffic.

Intrigued yet?

Trust me,

you don’t want to miss this one!

Check it out here!

And there’s one more thing..

I’ve been so moved by this way to a more joyful way of living that I’ve teamed up with Greg to host a workshop series beginning May 9th at 1 pm PST.

to attend the workshop series where Greg and I will teach simple, soulful steps to amplify joy using ancient wisdom.

I am overjoyed about how much this can and will change your life if you allow it to.

I will see you there!

Cheering you on in your pursuit of more JOY + BALANCE, my friends.

xoxo Quinn


Check out

to learn more about Greg Marcus and The American Mussar and click here to

where we will be hosting the “Everyday Joyful Living” workshop series.

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