
Stop Drowning: Get IN FLOW + ON FIRE

Do you ever feel like you’re DROWNING in life and business? This drowning feeling is what I would define as a lack of



There are high costs to not living in our zone of flow + fire.

Without FLOW in our life and businesses, we BURN OUT. We not only burn ourselves out by compromising our health and relationships, but we also burn out our opportunities. It can feel like NOTHING will ever work or that no matter what you do your dreams will never fully be realized. You can get stuck in the two steps forward, one BIG step backward dance, never seeming to get to where we want to go. We may be making money, but we’re too exhausted and time is too scarce to actually enjoy it. We feel like we’re barely keeping our heads above the water. We know we need to let something go, but we feel like if we do, the results could be disastrous.

Without FIRE in our life and businesses, we get stuck in routine and monotony. Our work loses meaning. We just go through the motions. Sure, we’re making money, but it’s not by doing work that is meaningful to us. Things feel a bit bored. Our work seems easy enough, but we seem to feel less energy than ever before. Anytime our heart starts to mention some ideas on how to find our fire, we’re afraid to listen. We feel anxious about letting go of the current level of stability, sensing that following our hearts could be dangerously reckless.

How do I know this? Because I’ve been there. I’ve lived without flow and fire in my life and business. IT SUCKS. Literally. It sucks the life right out of you. It sucks years of enjoying your loved ones away from you. It sucks all the joy out of our everyday lives.

If you find yourself dancing in any of these zones, it’s time to learn how to live


. Truly, learning this could be the most epic and fulfilling discovery of your entire life.

“Monsters are real, ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” - Stephen King

Don’t let the monsters and ghosts within you win. The ones that tell you “living in flow + on fire” is impossible and not meant for you. The ones that whisper how you’ve failed before and how no one wants what you have to offer. The ones that are sure you don’t have enough time, money or energy to change your life.

Their lies will no longer have power over your dreams as soon as you decide to stop listening to them. xoxo

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