
Mindful Marketing // Special Guest Kenneth Todd (Episode 82)

I’m so grateful for my good friend Kenneth Todd and his willingness to share his time, thoughts and ideas in this episode of Joyful Living Podcast. He has a great perspective on marketing, being an entrepreneur and life in general and I'm thrilled for him to share that with us today.

As always, I started out by asking Kenneth what his idea of Joyful Living is. I know Joyful Living is different for every person and can definitely change with time. Kenneth starts by telling us what Joyful Living ISN’T…it is not status, level, acquisition, rank, riches or fame.

For Kenneth, true Joyful Living is being alive and living with a purpose to create something bigger than him. It’s being in the moment and engaging in the daily rhythm of life.

Kenneth shares his story – how he came from humble roots in South Africa as the youngest of 8 children, eventually finding his way to London and then to the U.S. where he now runs a successful business. He talks about some of the unexpected triumphs and pitfalls he ran into along the way and how those shaped his vision for life.nbsp;

Early in the podcast, Kenneth talks about the daunting task of trying to control the uncontrollable and how easy it is to get caught up in that trap. We discuss the negative energy that can come from trying to do the impossible – keep everyone happy all of the time.

I was really interested in diving deeper into Kenneth’s ideas on marketing strategies – specifically his Mindful Marketing project. For those of you who don’t know, Kenneth offers a program called The Mindful Marketing School that helps online businesses take things to the next level.

As Kenneth describes it, Mindful Marketing is really being mindful of everything you do. He talks about, as an entrepreneur, business and life tend to run together – that your business ideals and practices often align with your personal beliefs. It can be difficult to (and unnecessary) to try and separate business and personal lives because they are so much the same.

We also discuss success in relationship to sharing value with others. Too often we find ourselves getting caught up in focusing on the next sale, the next enrollment, the next client. Instead, as Kenneth suggests, we should be focused on how we can add value. If we are able to add value and offer solutions to enough people, we will see success.

There are so many wonderful nuggets that Kenneth shares throughout our discussion. He has a very clear and simple way of conveying his ideas and I feel that you will definitely enjoy listening to him!


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Joyful Living Podcast





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. Excited to cheer you on in living a life you love!

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