
Stoke Your Inner Fire (Episode 34)

It's never


we're doing that makes a meaningful life; it's


we do it that matters. All of us go through the motions of the same basic things in our lives: we eat, sleep, work, receive new life and experience loss/death. But the major difference in


we experience these things is what's going on within. Our inner myth/story guides whether or not we experience our lives positively or negatively. Are we a victim of our life's circumstance or are we the hero or our life story?


In what is likely my most candid and raw episode of the

Joyful Living Podcast

, we dive deep into the call to hear and answer the call of your own heart and soul.  This certainly is no easy task. In fact, this is the work of a meaningful life and, as such, requires immense courage and trust. Powerful insights are shared that will support you in this great and most important work.

The powerful affirmation I shared during this episode (from

You Can Heal Your Life

by Louise Hay):

"I relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably. Life is for me."

The invitation of this episode is to COME ALIVE by letting go of fear and living more from your essence. This is the adventure of a lifetime. It's why you're here. AND it's what your soul is craving. Nothing else can fill that hole, my love. YOU fill the hole and in so doing become WHOLE.

For this journey to be a success, you must find your inner spark and stoke the flame. You need your inner hearth burning strong and bright to give you the strength to embody your essence. Lean into this season of Imbolc (Celtic festival of fire and Saint Brighid), rekindle your inner flame and then...

let the light SHINE



p.s. Stay inspired to live in greater JOY everyday by subscribing to the

Joyful Living Podcast





. Excited to cheer you on in living a life you love! Already subscribed and love the show? Be sure to leave a review in iTunes and feel of my deep gratitude!

Comments (2)



Apr 28, 2016 05:08 PM 4ST

Thank you deeply, Tonya!! So much love to you!!! xoxo


Tonya Jensen

Feb 03, 2016 01:57 PM 2ST

Thanks for your authenticity, Quinn. I love your podcast. I am so grateful you will continue on. I just pause it if I can't listen to it all. Your message is just what I need right now and I am sure many others feel the same. You inspire others to stand up for what they believe when you do it. Thank you;)

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